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Research and Innovation

View the latest published research and innovations of the Department of Human Resources Management and Administrative Information Systems
Oct 2022
Islamic Work Ethics and its Impact on Enhancing Organizational Commitment in Bahraini Private Educational Universities
The research aims to determine the influence of Islamic work ethics (Efficiency and proficiency, the feeling of duty, and Honesty, in organizational commitment) on private educational universities in Bahrain. Tocollect data, a questionnaire is developed. A total of 213 members of Bahrain's private academic universities participated. A cross-sectional survey was designed to assess the Islamic work ethics and employees’ organizational commitment on the developed private educational universities in Bahrain.A total of 213 members of Bahrain's private educational universities participated were randomly study employed a stratified random sampling SPSS 25, and Smartpls3 processed the gathered data. participants were included in the survey, which was fairly enough to conduct this study. EP->OC, with a level of significance of 0.01 (P<0.05, β= . 360, t= 5.347, p=.000) Meanwhile, predictors of respondents supported Hon -> OC at the significance level of 0.01 (P<0.05, β= . 348, t= 5.202p=.000). the last hypothesis demonstrates connections between SR ->OC with a level of significance of 0.01 (P<0.05,β= .199, t= 3.600, p=.000). while f^2=20 percent is regarded an exceptionaleffect size and R^263% considered a good fit to data. All of the above-mentioned relationshipswere investigated using the SmartPLS3 bootstrapping procedureConclusions: Based on the findings, recommendations are made to raise the degree of organizational commitment by enhancing the role of Bahrain private educational universities ethics