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College of Business Al Kamil

The College of Business in Al Kamil was founded in 1432 AH following Royal Decree No. 54727 dated 11/18/1432 and the Higher Education Council Resolution No. 18/66/1432, aimed at offering higher education in diverse business disciplines to prepare male and female students for the labor market. 

The college aims to offer premier scientific programs in business, equipping students with essential skills for the workplace that facilitate local and regional competitive advantages while aligning educational outcomes with labor market demands and adhering to the requisite quality standards for graduates. Moreover, it enhances scientific inquiry across several disciplines to benefit the community.
The college includes two academic departments: the Department of Management Information Systems and the Department of Human Resources Management.


Number of students (Male Section)
Number of students (Female Section)
Total number of students
Number of graduates

    Academic Programs

    Human Resources Management Program
    Management Information Systems Program
    About the Programs
    Conditions for admission to the program
    Professional certificates
    Course description
    Employment ratio
    Study Plan
    Program performance indicators

    Research and Innovation

    Islamic Work Ethics and its Impact on Enhancing Organizational Commitment in Bahraini Private Educational Universities
    01 Oct 2022
    The research aims to determine the influence of Islamic work ethics (Efficiency and proficiency, the feeling of duty, and Honesty, in organizational commitment) on private educational universities in Bahrain. Tocollect data, a questionnaire is developed. A total of 213 members of Bahrain's private academic universities participated. A cross-sectional survey was designed to assess the Islamic work ethics and employees’ organizational commitment on the developed private educational universities in Bahrain.A total of 213 members of Bahrain's private educational universities participated were randomly study employed a stratified random sampling SPSS 25, and Smartpls3 processed the gathered data. participants were included in the survey, which was fairly enough to conduct this study. EP->OC, with a level of significance of 0.01 (P<0.05, β= . 360, t= 5.347, p=.000) Meanwhile, predictors of respondents supported Hon -> OC at the significance level of 0.01 (P<0.05, β= . 348, t= 5.202p=.000). the last hypothesis demonstrates connections between SR ->OC with a level of significance of 0.01 (P<0.05,β= .199, t= 3.600, p=.000). while f^2=20 percent is regarded an exceptionaleffect size and R^263% considered a good fit to data. All of the above-mentioned relationshipswere investigated using the SmartPLS3 bootstrapping procedureConclusions: Based on the findings, recommendations are made to raise the degree of organizational commitment by enhancing the role of Bahrain private educational universities ethics
    Impacts of Remote Working on Employees During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    28 Jun 2021
    This study investigates the impacts and influences of remote working on employees during the coronavirus pandemic, in terms of communication, job effectiveness, and employee engagement and productivity. Data were collected from participants from different sectors and industries in three regions in Saudi Arabia. The study’s findings revealed that remote working significantly impacted communication, job effectiveness, and employee productivity. However, the impacts of remote working on employee engagement were insignificant which could be a result of neglecting activities that encourage employee engagement by the organization because of the nature of working remotely. This research presents two contributions. First, this article enhances the literature on remote working and employees during crises or pandemics. Second, it reveals that remote working could be applied to run daily operations when implementing the appropriate strategies and infrastructure.
    The Role of Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches for the Management of Information and Efficient Decision-Making
    26 Jun 2022
    The information management system is an emerging field that gains considerable attention from both government and industry. The generation of the vast amount of data has necessitated an efficient approach that is attained by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Information management is a step towards the construction of management and organization of knowledge. The information management system plays a significant role in the information era where AI transforms the information into organizational information. The building block of advancing, and succeeding in this information management is attained by artificial intelligence. The data generation and accumulation are accomplished by varied sources. The information gathered from varied sources is managed by AI and further, the information provides an adequate decision-making system. The management of huge information faces issues in maintenance, organization, and decisionmaking. The issues in the management of information are rectified by AIbased techniques. In this paper, the role of AI in information management is illustrated with the E-Delphi method analysis. The AI-based technique usage in the diverse domain is investigated by the E-Delphi method.
    Islamic Work Ethics and its Impact on Enhancing Organizational Commitment in Bahraini Private Educational Universities
    01 Oct 2022
    Impacts of Remote Working on Employees During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    28 Jun 2021
    The Role of Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches for the Management of Information and Efficient Decision-Making
    26 Jun 2022

    We Are Proud Of

    In the context of the Student Scientific Forum competition organized by Jeddah University, student Abdullah Awadah Al-Jahni secured first place in the scientific research field.
    Abdullah Awadah Al-Jahni
    First place winner in the scientific research field
    Within the framework of the Student Scientific Forum Competition for the year 2023, student Ahmed Abdel-Moati Al-Salami won the third place award, sponsored by Jeddah University.
    Ahmed Abd el Motee al soulami
    Third Place Winner in the Student Scientific Forum Competition for the year 2023